Reservation and cancellation conditions

Booking conditions

The confirmation must include:

  • the name of the person or company renting the reserved apartment(s)
  • arrival date
  • arrival time to organize our schedule at reception.

Please notify us in the event of late arrival so that we can inform you of the access code to the building, so that you can enter the residence and find a welcome letter and your access cards to the reserved apartment.

  • the departure date and the number of nights of the stay
  • the type of apartment reserved and the number of people who will occupy it
  • the hotel services requested (baby bed, high chair, and perhaps also certain foods that you would like to find when you arrive)
  • the agreed rates (established according to the number of people and the length of stay)
  • the details of the credit card used for payment (card type, number, expiry date and cryptogram).

Please allow 3 % extra for any payment by American Express.


Any reservation at the prices displayed, cancellable and refundable, must be accompanied by a deposit corresponding to 30 % of the total amount of the stay.
Reservations are only considered firm upon receipt of the corresponding deposit.
When the customer arrives, a guarantee will be requested, in the form of a credit card imprint or cash deposit.

Non refundable

Any stay booked with promotions linked to the length of stay and the additional discount for non-cancelable and non-refundable stays must be paid in full to benefit from the planned discounts.
These stays are not refunded in the event of cancellation, no-show or early departure.

– 15 % discount on the best available price for any reservation confirmed and paid at the time of booking. This discount even applies to a stay of one or two nights.

Cancellation conditions – No show policy

Any cancellation of the reservation must be notified in writing to HotelHome Paris 16 by fax, email or post, the date of receipt (before 2 p.m. – Paris time) serving as the date of cancellation.

HotelHome Paris 16 will withhold the deposit received or in the absence of a deposit it will be paid to the customer's credit card or paid by the company that made the reservation.

Stays having benefited from discounts linked to the length of stay and “Non-refundable” are not refunded in the event of cancellation, no-show or early departure.

For any cancelable and refundable stay, it will be retained

  • 30 % of the total stay if the cancellation is received between 1 and 2 days before the scheduled arrival date,
  • 100 % of the total stay if the cancellation is received less than one day before the scheduled arrival date.

No show or early departure

In the event of a no-show, cancellation without notice and non-arrival of the client, the entire planned stay will be due by the client or the company having made the reservation.
Any apartment booked will be charged in full, even in the case of early departure.

For any medium or long stay (more than five nights), we ask our guests to pay each week, either by paying a deposit or by paying their invoice.

We also thank you for presenting your identity document (which we will photocopy) and your payment card (which we will also photocopy) as guarantee of your payment.

These formalities must be completed to guarantee your peace of mind and ours.
Thank you for your trust and understanding.